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Horseback on Big Game Trails is a fiction story about a big game hunting outfitter's adventures. The story is set in the Rocky Mountains and is based on actual events, people, and hunts. Tory and Meredith Taylor recently retired after more than thirty years of owning and operating a backcountry wilderness outfitting business in northwestern Wyoming. Before that time, they worked for other big game outfitters in Wyoming, Montana, and Alaska. Tory Taylor gathered many stories from these adventures and wrote them into this fictional story. The reader can almost smell the clean mountain air, horse sweat, and campfire smoke as they read these stories. Taylor knows the horse outfitting business and writes from personal experience. The book's characters and adventures are believable, because they are based on real people and events. Both saddle-toughened hunting camp veterans as well as hunters who look forward to their first backcountry big game hunt will enjoy this story. Illustrated.